Workshop on cultural routes held in Mallorca

From the 28th until 29th of November, 2013 in Mallorca, Spain was held the last CHARTS thematic workshop related to cultural routes hosted by Mallorca Council - Environment Department, Spain.
The thematical workshop was attended by Mr. Raitis Sijats, Vidzemes Tourism Association's Chairman of the Board, together with Ms. Ella Frivalde-Andersone, Mayor of Vecpiebalga Municipality Council, Deputy Mayor of Limbazi Municipality Mr. Ainars Linins, Director of Aloja Tourism Information Centre Ms. Inese Timmermane and Director of Saulkrasti Tourism Information Centre Ms. Gita Memmena.
During this thematic workshop, participants exchanged experience about cultural routes in their regions, their preperation work, development and promotion strategies, as well as route influence on intercultural dialoge, creativity, innovations and competitiveness.
Mr. Manos Vougioukas, Project Coordinator, introduced participants to project, achievements so far and planned activities in 2014. Ms. Ieva Treija, Vidzemes Tourism association's (VTA) Public Relation specialist for project, presented ‘cultural routes’ from a theoretical point of view and introduced the audience with 29 European Cultural Routes, that represent Europe common heritage. In addition, was presented cultural route “The Return of Argonauts” which is being developed as a part of South East Europe Transnational Coorporation Programme project CLEAR.
Next day started off with study visits related to cultural routes - ride with the narrow-gauge electric train Ferrocarril De Soller, that celebrated 100th anniversary in 2012, trip to UNESCO World Heritage site “Serra de Tramuntana” and technical visit to Dry Stone Route GR221, where participats got acquanted with Dry Stone restoration works.
Day continued with cultural route demonstrations within project partner regions –South Wales (UK), Veneto region (Italy), Greece, South-East region in Bulgaria, and Vastra Gotland region (Sweden). Workshop concluded with presentation of transnational cultural routes in Europe by Dr. Jordi Tresserras, IBERTUR/Barcelona University (Spain), Director of LABPTC, as he revealed opportunities to create new cultural routes in project partner regions and discussions about good practice on cultural routes transfers between partners.
"European Cultural Routes" crossing several regions or countries are a good starting point to promote the variety and complexity of European cultural tourism offer.Cultural routes have a strong tourism potential, still mostly unexplored. They are both transnational and representative of European common heritage and values. They are also regarded as being a sustainable, ethical and social model, because they build on local knowledge, skills and heritage assets, they often promote lesser known European destinations. Moreover, 90% of their trails are in rural areas. Active cooperation with the Council of Europe, the European Travel Commission, UN World Tourism Organisation and other international partners is contributing to further develop Pan-European Thematic Tourism Routes.”
Information prepared by
Ieva Treija,
project CHARTS PR specialist
[email protected]
e-pasts: [email protected]
CHARTS project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme. This project is funded by the EU’s European Regional Development fund through the INTERREG IVC programme. The publication/website reflects the author's views and the Managing Authority can not be held liable for the information published by the project partners.